Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Declaration by Gemma Malley (and the sequel, The Resistance))

"My name is Anna and I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't exist. But I do." reads the first part of this books blurb. I know what your thinking, and no the story isn't about a cyborg. In fact it's actually about one of the current problems the world is facing at the moment, which is over population and running out of resources. As well as that in the story somebody has invented a new drug called longevity, that can prevent old age.

A interesting book that skips a few hundred years and sends us into the world that could be where our children's children live. Raising lot's of moral questions The Declaration sends us into the life of a girl, a surplus, who has been "brainwashed" by the authorities. The one bad thing about the book is the love scenes BLARGHHH!!!!!

A interesting book that I think teenage girls and boys will both like. 2 1/2 stars.

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